Uploaded my first test video on Udemy

Hello there,
Uploaded my first test video - Udemy said it will take 3 quite days to review the test video.
I would like to know by when udemy will keep posted on this with feed back inputs. How do we come to know this update from udemy either through registered email or phone contact. Could someone who is either aware of this process or udemy team can tell us on this.
If you want to review your work then it's ok.
but don't wait for their review you can start uploading your course parallel it's my personal opinion.
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Hi Surajjadhav,
Appreciate your quick response, I had prepared the content section videos for my first course on udemy but still I am waiting for Udemy team to confirm on my " Test Video" which I had posted 2 days back. Once again today I noticed I don't have any information or email from Udemy team. Surprised...
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its take long time mybe week or more
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It generally takes 2-3 Business days. wait for another 1-2 days.be ready with course outline once you will have that reply you can proceed.