Test Video Review

Hi there,

I have created a test video and I need reviews from you guys so that I may know about the quality and improvement areas.

Thank You


  • SharonRamel
    SharonRamel Posts: 1,312 rolemodel rank

    Hi @MariamHyder
    , sorry but it is very boring. Two lifeless slides with you talking. This is a very competitive market. I would suggest you take a look and the free and promotional videos of the top ten sellers in this area. Take notes on how they present and then consider how you are going to stand out in the crowd. Good luck - do be dispirited, simply go back and try again. We are rarely able to 'stand out' on our first attempts.

  • Hi Sharon, thank you for your feedback. Will work on that.

  • Hi, @MariamHyder

    There's a little bit of background noise and disturbances. To remove noise from audio you can use Audacity. Worked well for me.

  • Hi Ankur, thank you for your feedback. Will work on audio.