Please, could you be so kind as to tell us how exactly did you manage to get thousands of students?(

Please if you would like we would really really love to listen to your succesful stories regarding marketing. If you can be super specific that would be awesome!!!

Regarding marketing there is always one or two simple details that change all the game, so if you could tell us about it , too?

Thanks a lot in advance!!!


  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,639 Udemy rank

    Hi @AKerdisei
    I've found some posts with great information which has helped instructors with marketing ideas:

    Plan Your Course Marketing Before You Publish, Here are Proven Marketing Ideas

    How to market your course

    Hope this helps!

    Eliana Cerna

    Udemy Community

  • RandyMinder
    RandyMinder Posts: 685 visionary rank

    You need to be careful about about instructors or courses that claim to have thousands of students. You really need to know how many of those students got the course for free. Any course that is offered for free attracts students like bees to flowers. And, it's been my experience that most of the students who "purchase" a free course never really intend to spend much, if any, time in the course. I have no idea why this is. I guess they just like the idea of a free course.

    Any course that has thousands of students who paid for it has a few things going for it:

    1. The instructor is teaching something of interest to many students
    2. The instructor is quite knowledgable
    3. The instructor is very clear, both in speaking and presenting, in his/her approach. I cannot overstate how important this is. If I purchase a course and I have a hard time understanding the instructor, I'll return the course or leave a less favorable rating.
    4. The course is reasonable priced