Converting College courses to Udemy

I am a college professor, and I teach a variety of Human Resources, Management, Leadership and Stragegy courses. I would like to offer my courses on Udemy, but I'm unsure how to turn a 12 or 24-hour course into a Udemy course. Any Ideas?
Something to consider: Do you own the rights to the course or does your university do? They may not be too excited about you selling the course that you teach for them. Just a thought.
As far as the course itself, there's nothing wrong with creating a 12 to 24 hour course on Udemy. If you consider a 3-credit course for 16 weeks is about 48 hours of classroom hours, you can probably teach that in front of the camera without an audience in half the time.
Best of luck!
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Hi Greg,
When I teach the courses at college, they seem to be at the "30,000-foot level" and in my opinion, simply generate interest while giving only the most basic tools and information. I've always thought it would be better to go more indepth and give students the "How To" of implementing the tools and information I think they should have. For that reason, I have added to each course, synthesized the materials to avoid plagerizing, and wish to teach the same topics more intensely, so students can actually make a difference in their work and in their lives.