Assignment Questions & Solutions

I am baffled by the question/solution requirment on assignments. I've even chatted with support about this. I am writing an assignment that requires the student to practice something, but there is no question that needs to be answered -- it is a skill to be practiced. In addition, I have looked and looked for an example of an assignment with a question attached to it on the official free how-to-make-a-Udemy-courses and I can't even find an example of what this looks like. Has anybody seen an example of what this is?


  • SharonRamel
    SharonRamel Posts: 1,312 rolemodel rank

    Hi Donna - if it is a practice activity then simply state that in the question area - for example I get people to draw, doodle, photograph their sacred altars they have made - so the question becomes post a photo or picture representation of your sacred altar. Answer: well done as when we express our love and share it within our sacred community we all grow. or words to that effect. Another is I teach them how to read the aura of a leaf and their hand so the Q: is Please spend some time preparing with the video and read —— blah blah A: Well done, with practice we can all read auras, don’t be harsh on yourself if you struggle at first - relax - have fun and try again! Blah blah - you get the picture.

    Q: From the notes provided please make this origami bird and put a photo up of your work.

    A: Thank you for sharing your origami bird with us all.

    Think laterally not literally! Good luck - I use assignments extensively my student tribe love them and engage deeply with them. For me it has meant better engagement, more reviews etc.

  • Donna
    Donna Posts: 13 traveler rank

    Those are great examples -- I can do that! Thank you.

  • Thank you so much for the question, Donna... it was EXACTLY what was on my mind as well!

  • Thank you, Sharon, that's just what I needed.

    Sometimes there just are no right answers. ;).

  • Thanks Sharon, this answers my question! :smileyhappy:

  • Thank you, @SharonRamel
    for sharing practical examples of how you approach assignments within Udemy system. As I was having the same trouble as Donna to understand the way the system works and I started growing frustrated... and also had to enagge the Support team.

    I wish, there were given some practical exaples by Udemy on how to create various types of assignments, as am afraid, the sysem is not intuitive enough...

    Would you be able to help out with my querry, given your experience?

    I reckon, the system also does not allow asking multiple choice answer questions. For example, if i want to ask just ONE questionQ. Why are you taking this course? Or what do you expect to get from this course?) and I was thinking to offer 4 reply options; 3 of which would be my suggested replies and the 4th answer would be "other",so that the students can offer their own version of replies. Is this format viable at all or not?

    Would appreciate your insight.

    Best regards,


  • Hi, @SharonRamel
    - no need to reply! As I actually practiced and applied your feedback and little bit employed my creativity and found the solution!! And alerady managed to publish 2 assignments!

    And would like to also thank, Francis, from Udemy Support team, who was also very kind, responsive and accommodating and who was proactive enough to take onboard the suggested system enhancements to make the life of instructors and students easier... :).

    I reckon, what would also be good, if Udemy offers the automatic spell check fucntion in here as well, as when one types fast, it kind of gets messy...

    Wishing everyne a beautiful and a productive day/night!


    Dillyara Dosmakova
