Have you used Facebook's ads successfully?

It seems Facebook ads are not a good option from the profitable point of view, but maybe am wrong?

Has any of you experienced instructors used them successfully????


  • AKerdisei
    AKerdisei Posts: 28 traveler rank

    I really really thank you for youe help.

    However I can not access since am still in review process of my course...

    So is there a possibilty to copy paste what is on those links... maybe...? :smileyhappy: I know is to much to ask... biut no harm in asking... :smileyvery-happy:


    See https://community.udemy.com/t5/Marketing/Facebook-Ads/m-p/520 and https://community.udemy.com/t5/Marketing/Yes-Facebook-Ads-Are-Worth-it-Proof-Guide/m-p/10391

  • AKerdisei
    AKerdisei Posts: 28 traveler rank

    I found the answer here:



    17. It is a consensus of experienced instructors that paid Facebook ads do not work.


  • AKerdisei
    AKerdisei Posts: 28 traveler rank

    Thanks beyond words !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • TomOphir
    TomOphir Posts: 71 storyteller rank

    Facebook ads tend to work out breaking even at best.

  • Depends on how you use them. Breaking even is a HUGE win...

  • RandyMinder
    RandyMinder Posts: 685 visionary rank

    I have tried FB but stopped and won't go back. When you stop to consider that, on average, you are going to earn about $4 for each sale you make (assuming you have Udemy market your courses for you), and most of your sales come from Udemy site wide sales or ad programs, advertising on FB just isn't cost effective. At least they haven't been for me. I've had much better luck on LinkedIn, promoting my courses in a specialized group, which is free.

  • Yeah, trying to sell directly with Facebook ads doesn't work. That's the wrong use for them.

    Facebook = Top of Funnel

  • I suggest Linkedin.


    It seems Facebook ads are not a good option from the profitable point of view, but maybe am wrong?

    Has any of you experienced instructors used them successfully????

  • LinkedIn is extremely expensive.

  • Well, posting in groups or on your wall don't cost anything.

    However, the question is how effective this will be as it's kind of similar to Facebook postings.

    I did Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter postings some time ago and found all of them ineffective = not worth the effort.

  • Although posting on your wall or in your group can be extremely effective (I've generated almost $1000 this month from Facebook posts), it isn't terribly scalable. Paid ads are scalable but you really need to know what you are doing when you use paid ads.

    Most here aren't marketers. If you have no actual marketing experience, paid ads are going to be challenging at best - and a failure at their worst.

    If you are trying to sell your course with a Facebook ad, you are doing it wrong. That said, that doesn't mean Facebook ads aren't hugely effective when used properly.

  • No Akerdisei Facebook ads will not help to drive you sales because you will be not having 25k friends. You understand what I mean

    Please give a like if you got the answers.


    It seems Facebook ads are not a good option from the profitable point of view, but maybe am wrong?

    Has any of you experienced instructors used them successfully????

  • Dear wolf2k19: Is there anyway you could recommend a Facebook expert to help me ?
  • Could you recommend someone to or somewhere to hire a fb marketer?

  • The number of friends you have isn’t relevant to Facebook ads. That’s what makes ads so scalable.

  • Sorry, I don’t have any recommendations. I do my own advertising.

  • Wow!!!!!

    Perhaps you should create a course about advertising Udemy courses, man!

    Can you teach me? I will be more than happy to pay each lesson a good amount of money, I am being really


    Sorry, I don’t have any recommendations. I do my own advertising.

    honest with you.

  • So maybe do you have some great amazing tips???????

    For a colleague in need???????

    :smileyvery-happy: :smileysad:

  • Please would it be possible to get a few tips from such a great instructor??

    :smileyvery-happy: :smileyvery-happy:

    I have seen your courses and posts: you seem to be a real master of the marketing online, the real deal!!


    :smileyvery-happy: :smileyvery-happy: :smileysad:

  • I appreciate the sentiment, but I wouldn’t go that far. I just know my way around paid ads and how to navigate the buying cycle.

    I’ve made several posts in here about the general strategy for social media ads. If you search around, you’ll come across them.

  • I will look for them thanks a lot indeed!!!

  • Facebook Ads are basically 'interruption marketing'.

    The idea is that if you interrupt enough people you will eventually find customers.

    But people don't like being interrupted.

    So that is why it is better to focus on being found when your customer comes looking for you.

    Inserting yourself into the search stream of people who are already engaged in looking for the solution you want, is a much better tactic.

    Create a blog, create a presence on YouTube, create a useful group, all of these can be done with a time investment and will bring you interested parties that are looking for answers to their problems, which you can solve for them...

  • Access Denied

  • If you use facebook ads to bring direct sales you will at best break even. They may be more useful for raising interst, curiousity, driving people to your website or blog etc but in general Udemy instructors do better through focusing on course content creation and sending discount coupons to their existing community of students.

  • how to use facebook adds

  • Jesmion
    Jesmion Posts: 102 traveler rank
    Facebook this time doesn's permit web links that are not their favorite, but Udemy is a partners http://www.udemy.com/topic/facebook-marketing
  • I'm glad I stopped by here today. I have learned something new.