Best teaching style for a software course
Hi everyone, I am in the process of developing my first course. I was wondering what people's view was on the best teaching style. I will be teaching a software (QGIS) so the course will mainly be screencasts. I want to make it as practical and hands-on as possible but am not sure whether to have most of the demos/lectures as 'follow-along' (i.e. where the student follows on with what I am doing in the video) or just have assignments at the end of each section where the student puts into practice what they have learned in the lectures. Would be really useful just to get some general advice, thank you.
Students generally want both; "follow-along" lets you illustrate how to use the software, and many students who just want to watch the videos will need that. But if you don't also include some exercises where students can practice what they have learned, you'll hear about it in your reviews.