Want to know if I can publish more content after converting my free course into paid course?

Hello everyone..

I am about to publish my first course very soon. I have more than 20 plus hours course but I want to publish it for free for a while, so that, I can get an audience, but according to Udemy rule, I cannot publish free content more than 2 hours. So I have thought that I publish 2 hours content for free.

My question is that when I convert my free course into paid course than can I publish the rest of the content? Can I do so, or there will be any problem?

Your reply will help alot.



  • Yes, that's possible.

  • Thanks for your replay, But I still have a confusion that If I Publish the rest of the content after converting my free course into paid than will that course go under review again or will there be any other probelm?

  • LuisOzunae
    LuisOzunae Posts: 11 researcher rank

    What is it about ?


    Hello everyone..

    I am about to publish my first course very soon. I have more than 20 plus hours course but I want to publish it for free for a while, so that, I can get an audience, but according to Udemy rule, I cannot publish free content more than 2 hours. So I have thought that I publish 2 hours content for free.

    My question is that when I convert my free course into paid course than can I publish the rest of the content? Can I do so, or there will be any problem?

    Your reply will help alot.


  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,625 Udemy rank

    Hi @Yahyakhan472
    you can edit your course at any time, however, updating your course doesn't require going through the review process again. Also, you can get more information here https://support.udemy.com/hc/en-us/articles/229232927-Course-Material-Rules-and-Guidelines

    Eliana Cerna

    Udemy Community