How to post

how can I post in udemy? Or how to upload video?


  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,635 Udemy rank

    Hi @Jmbe
    Please take a look at the following articles on how to upload your videos✓&query=upload+my+videos

    good luck with your new course

    Eliana Cerna

    Udemy Community

  • Karansetia
    Karansetia Posts: 205 specialist rank

    Hi @Jmbe
    Firstly you have to login to from your laptop then switch to instructor view then there you will find a button Create Course then you have to add up some details begore it asks you to upload videos on the Curicculum Page.

    All the Very Best ! @Jmbe

    May god bless you !