Can formerly paid courses be put on Youtube?

I am new here and I am thinking about making a long course because my real life students keep asking me to.

However I am not sure if my style of teaching will be popular here. Each lecture would be 30-60 minutes long with much exposition.

If after a few months that course isn't popular, could I make it free and upload it to youtube? I wouldn't want it to go to waste and would want to donate it to the Internet.


  • Karansetia
    Karansetia Posts: 205 specialist rank

    Hi @knihT
    Actually That's not really against the guidelines of Udemy Because a paid course once uploaded is accessible for lifetime on Udemy so even if you delete it from here the students will still have access to your coursefor lifetime. But after deleting it from her eyou can surely upload it wherever you want.

  • Karansetia
    Karansetia Posts: 205 specialist rank

    And Also I wosh you all the best !