Where can my students post pictures of their projects?

Hi everyone!
I'm new to Udemy and I want to create a very practical watercolor course, where my students create several paintings. I want my students to be able to post pictures of their paintings so I can give them feedback. I don't know if I missed something, but I haven't found a place where my students can post their paintings. I just found quizzes and assignments (which are question-based, right? I actually didn't understand how the assignments tool works). Is there a section for projects?
Also, is there a forum (like this one!) where I can create discussions separate by the sections of my course and actively interact with my students?
Thank you!
Hello @GabrielaBenke
. Like you, I am a first-time Udemy person and have yet to publish. But since no one has yet replied to your post, let me share my understanding of Udemy and what I plan to do.My understanding is that the purpose of the "Bonus" lecture is to refer the the student to some offering, commercial or otherwise, outside the course. I assume that includes a discussion and upload site for your students such as you describe.
My plan is to wait to see if anyone buys my course -- at least in sufficient numbers to justify the ongoing commitment maintaining an uploadable forum requires. If there is, I will set up a Facebook or YouTube Group and provide the link to that group in the Bonus lecture.
At least that's my understanding of how it works.