New Course! No New Paid Students Yet

Hi guys, I Rik (Ricardo Stephan). Just launched my new course called: "Adobe Photoshop CC - How to Edit Your First Photo", around one month ago.

Unfortunately, I still don't have any new paid student yet. The only ones I've got presently are only those I gave free coupon code for watching free 31 days. I know that I'm not the only one facing this since most of you might have. But before creating the course I search on Udemy and found that, although there are thousands for Photoshop Beginner courses, there is barely any course actually showing you step by step how to open your first image in Photoshop and edit from start to finish in that way. Of course, I know there huge competition in the Photoshop field or topic.

I promoted the course on my Facebook Page, on my Youtube Channel , on my Deviant Art account, on Twitter and so on.

Can anybody please help or tell me what I'm doing or did wrong? To tell the truth, feeling a little bit sad here.


  • RandyMinder
    RandyMinder Posts: 687 visionary rank

    Hi @RicardoStephan

    I took a look at your course and saw three things that may help explain your lack of sales:

    1. Your course has a huge amount of competition. I did a Udemy search for Adobe Photoshop and got 7,800 responses. It's going to be almost impossible for your course to appear on the first couple search result pages with so many competing courses.
    2. You have your course priced very high, at $95. Most Udemy students will never pay that much for a course. They will simply wait until the next Udemy sale, if they are interested. So, at that price, you will probably never have many sales until there is a sale, and then somehow your course has to get noticed amoung the 7,800 other courses.
    3. Your course is only 1.5 hours long. It's been my experience that courses under two hours don't normally do that well, and if they do sell, students will often ask for a refund, simply because of the length, and not feeling like they got their money's worth. Personally, I will never release another course less than three hours. It just seems like the refund rate is too high with short courses.
  • Hi Randy thank you so much for checking out the course and giving feedback. I really needed advices like that to help me identify the shortcomings of my course. I give so much value to such feedback (from experienced tutors) simply because there are like red signals to help us do better. Again a million thanks for the response. I will immediately adjust the course price. When it comes to the course length and course topic the shot is already gone. I'll fix that on my next ones.

  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,642 Udemy rank

    Hi @RicardoStephan
    Can you edit your post to remove the course link (click "options" then select "edit message")? We don't allow self-promotion (course links included) you can check more information here. Thank in advance.

    Eliana Cerna

    Udemy Community

  • Hi. Adjustment done as requested. Sorry for that.