I am not sure how to move forward could someone please help me ! so i google and thought that makign my course free would help me get people to enroll i didnt think it through now i have a bunch of enroll students however i suspect that 90 % are not real ! I did the whole coupon thing and thats what happen now my coupon will be over soon but how do i actually get people to sign up for my course when it is not FREE ! kindly assist , i enjoyed making my course but now i am frustrated as having all these people and i feel like its not real at all ( bots )


  • RandyMinder
    RandyMinder Posts: 682 visionary rank


    Making a course free (as opposed to free coupons) has almost zero benefits. The vast majority of students who acquire a free course have no intention of ever taking the course. They just like getting free courses. And, you cannot send promotional emails to anyone who signed up when the course was free. Udemy does not allow it.

    Providing free coupons to a non-free course does have some benefits. You are able to send promotional emails to these students. And they might provide nice ratings / reviews (or they might not). However, in my opinion, the only real benefit to providing free coupons is so you can market your other courses to them. So, until you have additional courses, there probably is limited value to offering free coupons.