Emotional First Aid for healthcare professionals

I am a mental health professional who burned out as a result of compassion fatigue or secondary traumatic stress working in a busy inner-city emergency room early in my career. With the incredible stress the Covid-19 Pandemic is placing upon our healthcare professionals I wrote a free instructional E-book called Emotional First Aid. This e-book is an instructional workbook that helps healthcare professionals recognize and better manage the stress they are experiencing. It is embedded with numerous instructional videos I've created that demonstrate numerous stress management techniques and strategies. I have gotten very positive feedback for the usefulness of the E-book but have not been able to get it out to as many healthcare professionals who need it and is available for free download at: http://www.compassionstrengths.com/Emotional_First_Aid.html. My question is, how can I utilize the Udemy platform to get this resource out to people who need it?
Hi @KDLaRowe
If you think that the material that you are using might be infringing upon somebody else's idea or content, we would suggest not including it in your course. The easiest way to check whether it is ok for you to use somebody else's content in your course is to contact them directly and ask for their permission.Ultimately, Udemy cannot advise on any copyright issue and takes no responsibility for the material that you place on our platform. Remember that you retain the rights to all of the content that you place on Udemy and that we are simply the platform through which you deliver that material.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to reach out policy@udemy.com.
Eliana Cerna
Udemy Community
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Hi Eliana, All of my material is completely original and has been developed over 25 years of my personal experience overcoming compassion fatigue and burnout as a mental health therapist working in a busy emergency room. Please have a look at my E-book at:
http://www.compassionstrengths.com/Emotional_First_Aid.html. This is a FREE resource I am trying to give away to hospitals clinics and healthcare providers who desperately need methods to help them cope with the secondary traumatic stress of the Covid-19 Pandemic. I am wanting to provide a service to those who need it. My question is whether there is a platform here with Udemy to get this resource into the hands of those who need it - that is what my question is about.
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Hi @KDLaRowe
, thanks for providing more context. We really appreciate your hard work during this hard time for everyone.There's no current option to upload just an ebook to the site, I'm afraid. Courses must have at least 30 minutes of video content and at least 5 lectures or learning modules to be published in the platform.
An option is for you to create a free course with our minimum quality standards here and share the ebook attached as a resource. Here's a guide on how to add resources to lectures.
Hope this helps!