Can instructors export their course contents to their computer system?

Hello fellow instructors, good day. Please I want to ask if instructors can export their course contents to their computer system for use in perhaps their website.

I will appreciate any help. Thanks


  • This may be a stupid question, but didn't your course content come FROM your computer? If you created it, it would be on your computer, right?

    When you develop a course, I would strongly recommend that keep all files and be sure to back them up so you have duplicate copies on a separate hardrive or storage device, or in the cloud. You should not need to retrieve them from Udemy.

  • Thank you Andrew for your reply. Sure I have backup on my system. I wanted to know if it was possible to download or export course contents as a single file to easily upload or import them on my website without rewriting the lessons again one after the other.

    But I've figured it out already.