Innovative point of view

I am the next new one here! :smileyvery-happy: I am about to make a little bit different course. First i was thinking to biuld a whole new site for it, to open a company and bank account, but now i am trying to test if Udemy is better decision for my project. So lets see. For now i face some technical difficulties with the platform, but I guess I have to see in details and I will get it. I have lot of questions about the Udemy conditions, despite there is information, I couldnt really understand completely. Thats why I will try first to reach my locals and I will ask them. Anyway, for now this whole thing is totally new for me and looks as an interesting adventure. So lets see! Greetings and good luck to everyone!
Hi @janni_7
, we're happy to have you here and excited to see your course on the platform! The teaching center is the best place to start: community is full of information as well and it comes from the experiences of other instructors. Best of luck!