Hi I am here with a course in Hungarian and English language

Hi I am happy to be here. My plan is introducing a Creation Study what i learn continuously by a Hungarian scientist and philosopher. I discovered that using multichannel (video, voice and transcription) would be more useful for the better understanding. The original text is Hungarian but i think it would be more popular using English also so i continue to translate it English. I hope it would be interested for people interested about the creation of Universe.


  • MariaG
    MariaG Posts: 2,328 researcher rank

    Hi @Sandor_Kende
    ! We're glad to have you here, welcome to the community! :smileyhappy:

  • Hi Maria thank you for your wellcome, to be honest i have a previous course in English Mindfulnessinaction, i have worked with it a lot, I hope this course will be more successful.