10k Earnings

Earned my first 10k on Udemy today.
Although money isn't my main focus. My main focus is watch time in minutes per month. If people are watching my videos and doing my courses then this is what matters to me. The more watch minutes the more reviews the more students enrol and the money comes as a consequence of this but it all stems from hard work and innovation in course design.
I am a realist though. If I never earned a penny then I could not continue making courses. My wife has the main income in our family but the extra 500 to 800 dollars a month is enough for now to prove to her that the earning potential is there.
My wife is happy for me to continue on this journey as she recognises that although for now she is the main earner , her income is capped but mine is limitless and soon I may have the main income.
Also there is the not so small matter creating online courses is an absolutely neccessary intellectual pursuit that I need to keep me happy.
I will never go back to foolishly shuffling numbers about spreadsheets for others.
Bye for now
Congrats Ross, awesome job! 🙂
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Awesome, good for you!
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Congratulations! always have in mind that you should be doing always what you love. Keep working!
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That's great 👍
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Congratulations Ross! It took me approx to two years to earn the first 10k. Now trying to work harder to reduce the period to make the next 10k. Share your story to motivate us.
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Hi Ross, thank you for expressing your vulnerability. I hear the isolation you might be feeling, whilst working in your ivory tower of course creation. I too, will join you in this endeavor. I just signed up to be an instructor for Udemi as I just learned about this platform last night at 11:30pm Now that I know that financial success doesn't happen overnight, I won't be holding my breath. So, Thank you for what you shared!!! What I will choose to do, is follow the advice provided by Udemi to attract my customers by solving a problem for them, and showing them what life will be like once they have completed my courses. I commend you for following your passion. Please fill your cup daily and don't pay any attention to any distracting thoughts that will take you away from your purpose. I am in a similar position as you, in that my husband is the bread winner. I know that I contribute a ton to my family in the supportive role that I play. Now, my motivation is to financially contribute to my family not only because I'm meant to be a teacher and its time for me to play a Starring role in my life, but also so that my husband doesn't have that pressure as the sole income provider. I support your decision to reflect on your previous course offerings and repurpose them in a way that gains you more traction. You can do it! And you have done it, already earning 10k!!!! How can it get any better than this???? Now, let me tell you what every bread earning wife wants. They want their husbands to be happy, and masculine. They want to be treated like Goddesses and they want to feel the desire, respect, interest and love. So, continue to work diligently on your craft, then take the time to prepare to receive your wife when she is home from work. Show excitement for all the grit you have endured these last 2 years of course creation. Speak enthusiastically about your new ideas. And let me tell you, if you can do some chores, take out the trash, put the dishes in the DW, have the steaks marinating and the wine chilling, she will feel like she hit the jackpot being your wife and will happily continue being the provider until your time comes.
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Well done Ross. I think that's what makes a great instructor, the dedication to content and teaching. Money is a good consequence for sure. Earning more than your wife should be a bonus, but you're definitely not going to be working with spreadsheets in a 9-5 to make somebody else wealthy.
How long did it take you to reach this milestone?
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Congrats on the achievement!