Over 180 just joined my hairstylist course

Over 180 students enrolled on my hairstylist course from around the world...
yet however, Udemy reports only a fairly few of the students who enrolled have took up to get started in the lessons... the problem will be, a lot of the students don’t look like they would even have any interest in the subjects so forth!!
Is it worth trying to figure this out, and if they could be quality leads who joined my course?
..and also is it wise to create a marketing funnel!!
thank you!
have a super day ahead!
Hi @HerStylistPro
- Did these 180 students acquire your course for free? If so, this is expected. Offering a course for free will generally generate large numbers of students, but, 99% of those have no real interest in the course and will never actually take the course. I don't know why this is, but it's a fact. It's almost as if these students are running some sort of bot, looking for free courses, and they just acquire them.Because of this, you really cannot get too excited about students signing up for free courses.
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Yes precisely @RandyMinder
my first released course is free...What about trying to engage the new students, in a prior email if only to engage their attention 🤔
And then, if only a few enrolled students, whereby building rapport with, and engaging in emails with perspective students, i can be able to build trust & loyalty too?
What are your thoughts upon, trying to connect with the enrolled students, and hence whereby biulding a marketing funnel so forth with engaged students?
I hope you have time for these questions! I have read some of your previous posts i often value, and if valuable worth across the community !!
Thank you!!!
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- It won't hurt to try to engage these free students. But, remember, 99% of these students, have no interest in your course. So, the only thing you have to lose is your time (and patience perhaps).Offering your course for free is, in my opinion, a bad idea for at least two reasons. I've already mentioned one of them. The other is that Udemy will not permit you to send promotional emails to students in a free course.
You have to remember Udemy's philosophy on free courses. They have stated they should only be made available so students can get a feel for your teaching style. This is why they are limited to two hours.
One other comment I'll make. I took a look at your course and it seems to be centered around bridal hair styling. Do a search on Udemy and search for "bridal hair styling". How many results do you see? I saw at least 8,500. This means your course is competing against 8,500 similar courses. Don't be discouraged if it takes months to get more than a few real sales, assuming you change your course to a paid course. You are in a very crowded space.