Using "famous" contents on my courses' exercises

Hi everyone! I'm an italian teacher (so please, sorry for my written English ;-) and I'm creating a course about graphics, with 5 exercises included. One of them (I worked a lot on that) is about creating from scratch an epub. For this reason I used contents from a movie (The story of Fire Saga, at Eurovision). My question is: can I use these kind of contents, taken from a movie? (Including songs, trailer etc?) They will appear in the course just for 5 lessons.
Thanks for your help, ciao! Alessandro
Hey @Alessandro Calonego
, If you think that the material that you are using might be infringing upon somebody else's idea or content, we would suggest not including it in your course. The easiest way to check whether it is ok for you to use somebody else's content in your course is to contact them directly and ask for their permission.
Udemy cannot advise on any copyright issue and takes no responsibility for the material that you place on our platform. Remember that you retain the rights to all of the content that you place on Udemy and that we are simply the platform through which you deliver that material.Feel free to reach out to for any additional concerns about this.
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Thanks a lot for your help, Abbie: I decide to create another kind of exercise!