How do I submit a verification video

Hello everyone, I have created my first free course, and now I submit it for review, but it says that submit your verification video. How do I submit and what should I say in that video? Please tell me how do I do it?20201023_212948.jpg


  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,590 Udemy rank

    Hi @Yahyakhan472
    To complete the alternate process, please submit a video to claiming either ownership of the content or that you have obtained the necessary rights to the user content you are publishing.

    In the video, you must show your face & state the following:

    • Your full legal name
    • The name of the course(s) you are publishing
    • Statement of ownership or rights to use the content below“I, [full legal name], certify, under the penalty of perjury, that I am the original owner of all of the content used in my course(s) and, if applicable, have secured all the necessary rights to use content owned by another individual”.

    If you any other questions, please reach out to

    Eliana Cerna

    Udemy Community

  • Hello @ElianaC

    Thanks for your reply. I got everything except one thing.

    Can you tell me what does "Statement of ownership" means?