I'm new here!

Hi instructors, I am Giulia, 28 yo and I am Italian.
Since the covid started I tried so hard to find a job or something different to do, I also thought a lot about a "great idea" to make some money or something else, but nothing came to my mind. At the end yesterday I discovered this platform and I thought that could be interesting and useful for me to start teaching.
I studied languages, I'd be interpreter and translator so I thought to teach Spanish and Italian.... wow! What a great idea!:smileylol:
So, basically I am here to ask for help, I am reading all the articles on the website, I am trying to select something good among the thousand ideas I have and above all I have never taught and for this reason I have so many doubts.

There is someone who started to teach from here? Have you had good results? Is it worthy? I am 100% certain to start, but I am that kind of person who wants everything absolutely perfect, even if I know it's wrong, above all if you are starting right now....
Let me know, please!

Thank you in advance,


  • Saudações Giulia, seja bem Vinda. Meu nome é Rogério Araújo Barreto sou do Brasil,. Gosto muito de software livres. e tenho alguns cursos aqui no Udemy, sou professor e com a pandemia estou em casa desde março. Os resultados são lentos não vai ficar rica :-), porem a satisfação de ajudar outras pessoas do mundo com seu conhecimento é muito bacana. Estou gostando muito e aproveitando meu tempo livre gravando videos. Grande Abraço. Boa Sorte!

  • hi, thank you for your kind reply. I cannot speak Portuguese, but I understand perfectly what you said. I am a bit worried just because is my first time teaching and I think is hard to start since I won't have reviews immediately. It is obvious that if someone has to buy a course he will buy the one with more reviews, but I also think that if I never start I'll never know :smileylol:
    anyway thank you again for everything you said!

  • Hi Giulia,

    As you, I have started my first course. As you posted this message last year, I am curious how was your journey creating courses on Udemy. Vale la pena?
