Promo Video - optional?

Happy New Year all, I am a first time course publisher (in-waiting).

Quetion: Is the promo video optional? I have possibly been asked to change it, and I am thinking 'can I delete it and live without it?' but seems like there is no option to delete a promo video. So the only option is to rework and upload.

Is my reading correct?

Cheers T


  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,352 Udemy rank

    Hi @TarakRanjan
    Once you’ve uploaded a promo video, you can’t delete it, just replace it with a new one. Students will see your promo video and form a first impression about you and your course. Students who watch a good promo video are 5X more likely to enroll in your course.

    For tips on how to create a great promo video click here.

    Hope this helps!



  • I have been trying to upload a promo video since this afternoon. My internet connection is good, but it is still taking a lot of time, and it is not getting uploaded. What should I do?

  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,352 Udemy rank

    Hi @Sahuvishal86
    Sorry to hear you cannot submit your promo video. You should send the email to the support team with the following information :

    • The lecture file

    • The operating system you're using

    • Your internet connection speed

    To contact the team, please open the help center article here and click “Contact Us” on the right.

    I hope this helps!


    Udemy Community Moderator

  • Thanks for replying, Eliana. I submitted my course without uploading the promo video, and it already made my first lesson of the course my promo video. So the problem has actually been solved.

  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,352 Udemy rank

    Hi @Sahuvishal86
    Great to hear this has been resolved!

  • I am uploading my Course and not yet submitted. In the Promotion tab, I uploaded my landing page and course description. And thought later will upload promotional video and saved it (thinking that later will upload it). But now I am not finding any edit option there. What to do for editing?

  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,352 Udemy rank

    Hi @Dr.JayaShan587
    I'm sorry to hear you are experiencing issues. We recommend you reach out to Instructor Support so they can provide you with more information about your request. To contact the team, please open the help center article here and click “Contact Us” on the right.


    Udemy Community Moderator