Question about taxes in Romania

Hi all,
I am a new instructor on Udemy since last year. I have a question for all experienced romanian instructors. What is the best way to declare and pay your taxes here in Romania for the Udemy revenue?
I have searched the web and even spoke to an accountant but things are still confusing for me.
From my understanding there should be 2 ways of doing this:
1. Create a PFA (but I'm not really sure what CAEN code would this activity of selling courses on Udemy fit in)
2. Declare the revenue under the unique declaration as intelectual property rights. But here there are some caviats as well, as if the revenue exceeds 12 minimum wages per year it says that you also have to pay CAS and CASS. I don't really understand why because I am a full time employee and already pay all these CAS and CASS taxes.
Any help or advise from someone who is already doing this would be very helpful and highly appreciated.
Many thanks
Honestly, I don't think it's a good idea to get advice on international taxes from a forum. You need to make sure you're doing the right thing with the IRS (via the W8 form) and with Romania. I recommend finding an accountant who knows about US tax treaties. I know it's annoying to have to pay someone for this, but I think it's worth it. You'll sleep better, and doing it correctly now might save you money and headaches in the future.
Anyway, it's good motivation to be successful here on Udemy. I wish you success!
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Ai gasit raspuns la intrebari? Si eu as fi interesat de ce ar trebui facut0 -
Buna, da am gasit.
Iti faci PFA (cu norma de venit neaparat) , dupa care faci factura in fiecare luna pe veniturile de la Udemy. Cu norma de venit ai sa platesti impozit 10% din norma de venit stabilita pe judetul in care locuiesti, indiferent de cat incasezi, + CAS si CASS. Daca esti si angajat full time atunci nu mai platesti CAS si CASS si ai si reducere 50% la impozit. Cel putin pt mine a fost cea mai buna varianta. Sfatul meu este sa stai de vorba si cu un contabil. Daca vrei mai multe detalii da-mi un mesaj privat.