Looking for guidance to convert my self-published book

I am a self-published Author of Non-fiction self help books and kindle editions. I wish to convert my books into udemy courses. To start with I have completed setup as udemy instructor. I request you to:
1. tell me whether you or any of your known persons have created a course out of published book.
2. provide link of any course of this model you have come across.
3. enlighten me with your suggestions as to structuring this course.
Hi @www.suryanarayana.in
Welcome to the community! You can create a course on pretty much anything, however, there are some restricted topics here.1. Regarding creating a course based on your published book, I'll recommend reaching out to policy@udemy.com they will be able to provide more details of what you can and can't do.
2. I found this thread here where they share some ideas.
3. This section includes extensive resources on how you can create a Udemy course and get started and a compilation of top posts on creating your course.
Eliana Cerna
Udemy Community