Course image Design

Hi and good day.I am a new instructor in udemy.My challenge right now is that i do not know how to design my course image for my course in biotechnology.The question on my mind right now is where do i start and where do i end designing the image for my course. Can someone kindly help me out? Help will be highly appreciated. Best Regards.

Francis Oji.



  • FrankKane
    FrankKane Posts: 1,778 rolemodel rank

    Start by reading Udemy's materials on the subject at - it covers most of what I was about to type up for you :)

    What I usually do is get a simple stock illustration (from, so I have a real license to use it) that conveys the topic I'm teaching somehow. Then I overlay a headshot of myself trying to look warm and inviting over it, with a bright, fuzzy border around my head to make it pop. Humans are drawn to images of faces, so that's one way to catch their attention when they are scrolling through a list of courses.

    You might also look at the course images the courses competing with you are using. Can yours be better? Can it stand out through the use of an eye-catching color that your competition isn't using?

    If you need help putting it together, there's always Just be super specific in what you want. But really you only need basic skills in an image editor of some sort.

  • Sorry to ask again, but what license do I need to purchase to use my photos in my Udemy course? How much did you pay for one photo? I'm going to need a lot of pictures and I'm wondering if I can even afford them.