Lesson Prerquisite

Is it possible to impose conditions, for access to a specific lesson, such as:
(i) Lesson X must be completed before going to Lesson Y;
(ii) Assignment A must be submitted before accessing lesson X; etc.?
I searched the community posts, but could not find anything on this. If already a post exists, can you point the link. Otherwise, I shall be thankful for information on whether Udemy Course Creation Tools provide for such features. Thanks.
You have not understood my question. It is not about the time at which students can take a course - of course they can choose their own convenient time. I am talking about completing a particular previous lesson, in order to understand the present lesson. Knowledge in lessons (or lectures, as you call them) is very often sequential in Business subjects, especially if they are built on the basis of a case study with different parts, which progressively add knowledge. If someone tries to go through a later part, without having gone through a previous part, he or she will not be able to figure out what is going on.And what I am asking is - a very basic feature of all LMS!S. Balachandran0
Hey @bala2020
, students have the ability to mark and unmark lectures as complete. If there is any particular lecture they would need to skip to, they can follow the steps here in this support article.Students can always go back to a previous lecture. However, in order for them to complete a course, all lectures must be completed.
I hope I was able to understand your question!
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mathematics coding they need
wrote:Is it possible to impose conditions, for access to a specific lesson, such as:
(i) Lesson X must be completed before going to Lesson Y;
(ii) Assignment A must be submitted before accessing lesson X; etc.?
I searched the community posts, but could not find anything on this. If already a post exists, can you point the link. Otherwise, I shall be thankful for information on whether Udemy Course Creation Tools provide for such features. Thanks.
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Lamentável! Uma pergunta bem elaborada, também passo por isso! E uma resposta vaga! Ou não entenderam, ou não sabem responder! Estou vendo que é um suporte bem básico que essa plataforma oferece.
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Lamentável! Uma pergunta bem elaborada, também passo por isso! E uma resposta vaga! Ou não entendream, ou não sabem responder! Estou vendo que é um suporte bem básico que essa plataforma oferece.