New here- Would like to create an Arts Course.

Hi all,
Rashmi here. Good to be part of this community. I am working on creating my first Arts course. I am proficient in Watercolor, Line & Wash. What area would be could start with? Thanks.
Hi @Rashmi
Welcome to the community! This page is chock full of information about teaching on Udemy.Our minimum requirement for a course is that it contains at least 30 minutes of video content contained within at least 5 lectures.
Here are some great resources to help you get started:
Teaching Center: find articles about teaching on Udemy – from course creation to marketing your course
Course Quality Checklist: a helpful checklist to ensure your course meets the minimum requirements
Udemy Insights “How To” Video Courses: get started with the Course Goals course
How to Become an Instructor: FAQEliana Cerna
Udemy Community