1080p uploads compress down to 720p why?

So I just noticed that when I uploaded my first course, I didn't ask then, but why does udemy scale down the quality. Is there something that I'm doing wrong?becuz i uploaded in 1920x1080 but the quality is 720 max... It'll be good to know so i record my next course in a zoomed way xd.


  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,356 Udemy rank

    Hi @AbdulRauf277
    I’m happy to give some background info about this to help explain why you are not seeing the 1080p option on your course videos. Udemy employs an “Adaptive Streaming” player for course videos. This option is not yet available for all Udemy courses, but we’re always happy to enable it by instructor request.

    When enabled, it means that students can choose an “Auto” streaming option for the course video. With this Auto option, 1080p streaming is possible, if the student has the streaming capability and necessary screen size to take advantage of 1080p. Once your course is published, feel free to reach out to instructorsupport@udemy.com so that our team can enable this or you.

    Hope this helps!

    Eliana Cerna

    Udemy Community

  • alright, sounds cool