Bonus Lecture Coupons for the same course

In the Udemy guidelines, it says that you can promote your other courses in the Bonus Lecture with coupon codes. However, I was wondering if I could give students who finished the course a coupon for the same course they are taking, so they can share it with their friends and family.
Is that allowed?
Hi @DavidDiaz255
, great question! You can use promotional announcements to market your new courses to your existing students or share coupon codes for your existing course that people can forward to their friends and family. You can send promotional emails only twice a month for each of your courses. Promotional emails should include links to your Udemy courses (external links are not allowed). You can learn more about rules for promotional announcements here.Here are some tips for writing promotional announcements:
- For promotional purposes, it’s not enough to just send one email. A series of emails work better in building up the interest. For example, to announce the launch of a new course, send a 2-email sequence over the course of a week to your existing Udemy student list.
- You can even include a discount if you’re feeling generous. But don’t forget to set a promotional deadline and mention it clearly.
- Run a seasonal sale or temporary deal for a holiday.
- Quote real students’ feedback (ask for permission!) about the courses you want to promote.
Hope that helps! If you have any further questions on this, feel free to contact our team at