About one star review.

Hi As per my view. I really do lot of respect of my all students. But some of the students putting one start review of the course by as three types.
1. Coz they don't like the course.
2. Coz they don't gets enough support from Instractor or information missing.
3. Coz they like to puting one star review without any reason.
In my case is happing number 3.
Student don't ask me anything, Just completing 2% or 3% of the course and putting one star. If i ask for support and want to know where is the problem that i can help them, they are not reply.
It's really so much disappointing.:smileysad:
Since they didn't leave a comment, you don't really know if it is 1.
Maybe they didn't like the course and coudn't be bothered to write anything.
Not really a lot you can do, I would reply something like
Sorry you did not like the course, what do you think it is missing?
Remember you can get a refund if you purchased the course within the last 30 days.
Both for the student, some (very rare) respond, and update the rating, but even more for future students who see you care and is open to making the course better.
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But my view is that. How people justify by compliting only 2% - 3% of total course. Is totaly Unfair. Udemy should think about this. and they also don't tell me where is the problem. So its mean i also dont understand where should i have to foucs for update?
Its Terrible 24 Hours course contend student puting one star by Completing 10 min and they understand rest of value of this course.
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That is why it is so critical to make the first 10 minutes the best, pack it with as much value as possible.
Even if it is a 25 hour course, I will have a reasonable idea of the quality and content in the first 2-3%.
That said, no feedback reviews, there really is very little you can do about.
/shrug and move on.0 -
yes it is tough however; understand that reviews are weighted, the time it has been here and course length of consumption come into play. Look at the positives and move fro that standpoint.1 -
In 90 days it will not matter.
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Hi Kazi Ariyan,
I faced the same issue too. Frankly, I don't believe I deserved a one-star rating. Of course, I hope Udemy can help to investigate. It also implied that Udemy Review team were not doing their job if Udemy accepted one-star rating, as if Udemy approved a "rubbish" course. However, I sincerely believe Udemy Review team had done a great job and took the time to review and ensure the course meeting certain standards before approving the course.
While. I have posted my article elsewhere and was classified as featured article (because of high quality content). However, got only 1 star on Udemy despite providing it as a free course, together with full course materials (PowerPoint slides and Transcripts).
All I can think of was maybe the person was in the bad mood, trying to release his/her stress. Or, it could be somone trying to sabotage you (because you are doing too good).
Think it possitively, there are many ways to success. (",)