Still shooting my course
Posts: 9
I am all set and ready to shoot my course and all but i just want to know how hard or easy it is to move up the ranks when creating course in statistics, AP physics, calculus and mathematics in general?, is it possible i can be the best seller in my category one day?, what do i have to do when it comes to promotions ??
I will really appreciate your responses
Hi @Abefe
, you have some great questions and I'm bumping your post to help you get some replies from other instructors on how to move up the ranks in your field of expertise.In regards to promotions, you can read more about the multiple ways to promote your course on Udemy in the following articles:
- Best Instructor Posts of All Time - Marketing
- Teaching Center - Learn how to grow your following and multiply your impact
- This article talks about our Deals Program and methods that Udemy instructors can use to promote their content, including instructor coupons, course referral links, and Udemy’s optional marketing programs. We also offer marketing tools to promote your only Udemy courses to your students. You can learn more about these tools here.
Bella Almeida
Udemy Community Team