What is the single best thing you've done for your business?

Bella Posts: 3,694 traveler rank

We are kicking off this week with a new feature in the community, it’s called Hot Topics.

Each week we’ll post a Hot Topic or discussion for you to share your thoughts and experiences! Our hope is that you all learn something new each week.

This week’s hot topic is: What is the single most important thing you’ve done for your business?

Leave a comment below!


  • SharonRamel
    SharonRamel Posts: 1,310 rolemodel rank

    Hi @Bella
    , a few years ago I purchased, read and continue to follow the instructions in a book called “How To Shoot Video That Doesn’t Suck” by Steve Stockman.
    Doesn’t matter how long it takes you...... BIN IT if it is **bleep**.... don’t try to fix it.....

    No student is going to thank you for your crappy video and lousy audio....

  • The single best thing I've done for my business is "to focus on only ONE thing and go all in on it".

    The reason I'm saying this was because I was juggling many things at once and I wasn't getting anywhere. I've since stopped working on my other business ventures which weren't getting anywhere, doubled down on my niche, and I'm presently building authority on 'ONE' business.

    The reason I tried many things at once was because there was huge potential in each one of them. But I was spreading myself too thing trying them all together.

    There's only so much you can do as a one-man army and life is too short to be spent hustling on things that's going to suck away all your time.

    So my mantra these days "keep it simple, focus on one thing (that works), and live a happy life"

  • Monica2021
    Monica2021 Posts: 211 specialist rank

    I updated some of my courses by redoing the Promo Videos and adding new contents to them.

    I got some new enrolements after doing so.

    I also worked on some new courses.

  • Mufaddal
    Mufaddal Posts: 368 mentor rank

    The single best thing would be the decision to be on Udemy when I did post my courses.
    When I started in 2018 , I had very low expectations considering that my topic had low traffic . But I was consistent in creating useful content and working towards a vision. After 18 courses, I am closer to that vision and established myself as a "go to" person for learning in the space .

    Apart from that, Udemy gave such a massive visibility in various circles across the world. I often get offers from institutions to partner with them or even license my courses to them . All of this wouldnt have been possible if I dint post my courses on Udemy.

    The social proof on Udemy is a really big deal . I am very thankful to Udemy for the opportunity .

  • Great Ideas!!

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