About Audio Equipment for recording

Dear Sirs,

I have not published my course, I still have a plan of How to make standard of Quality of Video n the Audio of the Couse. I have sent the test Video 2 times, n get the feedback , thank so much Udemy Publisher team, the result are: the Video grainy ( maybe the standard of pixel less than 720 of my equipment ? ), & the Audio is noisy, give the clue, that is it a need to stand the Audio equipment? because there is a movement of my Audio equipment, And is that better that Video n Audio Equipment placed at a different position, so be able to get better setting of video & Audio instantly ? It means not make the noisy matter? What about yr experiences, is it better I buy the Equipment of Video n Audio Not as one set Equipment for recording the course of you all my belove friends, thank a lot yr sugestions n giving informations


Nurhadi yuwono



  • SharonRamel
    SharonRamel Posts: 1,308 rolemodel rank

    Hello @Nurhadiyuwo116
    a fairly new iPhone or smartphone will do the job well. Basic editing tools like either Camtasia or Screenflow will brighten video and reduce noise. If you read the posts here you will find many excellent suggestions. Search for posts by Phil Ebiner - I highly recommend his great suggestions. Good luck.