Leading from the heart

Hello All,

Pleased to join a community of intellectuals. My first course just went live and I would appreciate some feedback/advice. Thank you in advance.. Cherif


  • LawrenceMMiller
    LawrenceMMiller Posts: 2,340 rolemodel rank

    OK, well first of all there will be no more courses on leadership allowed on Udemy.




    Just kidding. Check out my home page and you will understand why.

    Seriously, I think you need to consider the difference between effective college lectures and effective online course lectures and course structure. Don't take it from me. Read the research: https://community.udemy.com/t5/First-time-Course-Creation/Lecture-Effectiveness-The-Research/m-p/14189#M995.

    Your intro/promo lectures should be about three minutes, max. Course lectures should be less than five minutes, although I violate that sometimes. I can promise you that prospetive students will not make it through that promo. Check out Angela Yu's promo lectures, and other top instructors. There is an obvious reason why their courses sell.

    Also seriously, welcome to the club and good luck with your courses.

  • CherifS16
    CherifS16 Posts: 5 researcher rank

    Ok, no more leadership courses. Thank you, Lawrence for the insights. I will keep the information in mind for my next course.


    Cherif SA.

  • LiamDavin1
    LiamDavin1 Posts: 117 storyteller rank

    Hi @CherifS16
    Your course has a total of 5 lectures and all 5 are set to free preview, which effectively makes your course free. You may want to change that.

    Best of luck.

  • CherifS16
    CherifS16 Posts: 5 researcher rank

    Hi Liam,

    Thank you very much. I didn't know that it shows as a free course.

  • LawrenceMMiller
    LawrenceMMiller Posts: 2,340 rolemodel rank

    It doesn't show as a free course, but you have made every lecture a free "preview" lecture. Therefore there is no reason to buy the course.

  • CherifS16
    CherifS16 Posts: 5 researcher rank

    Thank you, Lawrence. How do I change that ? This is my first attempt putting together a Udemy course and I am sure I'll have to keep adjusting things with future courses.


    Cherif SA

  • LawrenceMMiller
    LawrenceMMiller Posts: 2,340 rolemodel rank

    It's easy. Go into your course page and on the left click on "curriculum." For each lecture, on the right there is that little down arrow. Click on it. You have toggled "Free Preview." Un-toggle them. By default they are not free previews.

  • CherifS16
    CherifS16 Posts: 5 researcher rank

    Thank you very much. I figured it out going over the course couple of times. Still learning how the platform works,