About to start creating my first course..


Please tell me that as a instructor our first course is free or paid.

If I put my course as a free course then what is the earning procedure for free courses


  • Salil Dhawan
    Salil Dhawan Posts: 309 mentor rank

    There is no earning in a free course but you get audience to whom you can upsell or eventually promote your paid course

  • Bella
    Bella Posts: 3,694 traveler rank

    Hi @AnkitSharma331
    , as Premium Instructor, you can offer your course for a price, at a discount, or for free. It is really your decision to make. As @Salil Dhawan
    explained, there is no earning when you create a free course.
    Some instructors choose to launch their courses as free to generate a following, capture reviews, and get feedback, then switch to a paid course at a later date.

    Keep in mind, free courses cannot exceed 2 hours in video length and will lose all premium learner features which includes certificate of completion and Q&A. While you can change the price of your course at any time, you can only switch from free to paid one time. Learn more about free courses here.

    Bella Almeida

    Udemy Community