I am MKR MANI I TEACH and coach students on GENERAL ENGLISH WITH GRAMMAR, TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION,Preparing the students in Seminar,Debates .
Hi @MkrMani1964
welcome to our community! We're happy to have you join us. If you're planning on creating a Udemy course to teach English, I recommend checking the following resources to get started:Marketplace Insights - research your topic's demand and competition
Help Center - browse support articles on our knowledge base
Teaching Center - find articles about teaching on Udemy – from course creation to marketing your course
Studio U - community space dedicated to new instructors
Our community is a space for instructors to help other instructors and our moderators are here to help ensure you're getting the support you need and answer any questions as they arrive, so feel free to start posting and reading discussions.
Bella Almeida
Udemy Community