Dealing with inactive students

Hi , i have many students who have joined the course but have not viewed any lecture.
How to deal with this ? could you please share how you deal with it ?
Thank you very much.
Why do you feel that you have to deal with inactive students?
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Hi Lawrence, thank you for your reply.
My only concern about inactive students is find out the "WHY".
If there is something i should be doing which i am not. I am exploring options to engage most of my students.
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I think it is admirable that you are seeking ways to engage your students. Engagement, in addition to ratings, contributes to how your courses are displayed in Udemy search results. However, we all have a large number of students who may buy the course but then never go through it. Think of it this way: look at your bookshelf. How many of them have you read and what percent of them have you read. And you paid for them. Udemy courses are like books. Students may take them off the shelve when they have a need or interest, may sample them and put them aside, etc.2 -
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Perhaps you can use promotional announcements from the instructor's dashboard to encourage your students to complete the course/lectures, while abiding by the terms of use. You can select the email receivers based on their progress percentage which I think is pretty helpful.
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Hi! I'm brand new here and I have the same concern / observation. I agree with @LawrenceMMiller
that it probably doesn't mean anything is wrong with your course. When Udemy puts everything on sale or coupons are offered, people buy lots of courses that just sit until the student is ready. I probably have 10 or more courses I've purchased but haven't yet started.But, it could be a missed opportunity as an instructor. If they're not taking your course, they're not getting results and you're not getting feedback. The great majority of people who responded to my first coupons have not taken my course. Here's how I think I'm going to look at it: The goal of early coupons is to get ratings, reviews, and feedback so you can improve the course. I'm just finishing my first round of updates based on feedback and reviews so far. Instead of using another coupon, I plan to reach back out to my existing students (PAID and FREE) and let them know that I have responded to early feedback - so my course is now better than it was when they first enrolled. I'm hoping that will motivate them to actually take the course and engage.
Udemy has good reports, so I will be able to tell whether or not this strategy works. No idea if this is valid, but I'm going to try it. Wish me luck, and good luck to you, too!