Emotions: key to become fast learner
Hello everyone. My life has been, I like to say, unusual. I am language teacher,yet for the last 4-5 years I got into art. As you know, art is emotional, and expanding them will give the artist, the student, anyone infinite ways to link knowledge to those emotions. I would like to share what I have learned by ,literal, thousands of hours researching, applying, testing what I just wrote. Learning happens firstly into our mind, and emotions are ,essentially, the path to become multi learner. Comments? Thanks
Hi @Antonypamo
, welcome to our community, we're glad to have you here!Are you planning on creating a Udemy course about Art? A good way to get started is by using the Marketplace Insights tool. There, you will be able to see information on student demand, topic competition, enrollments by channel, conversion rate, etc.
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Bella Almeida
Udemy Community