Uploading updated preview video not working

I just finished and published my first course. Then I decide to make a few small changes to two of the videos that are part of the free preview. So I uploaded the new files. In my instructor dashboard, I can see the new files are there.

But when I open an incognito window and look at the preview, the old videos are still there. I've tried this in both Chrome and Safari. I did email support, but haven't heard back from them.

Any suggestions on what is going on and how to fix this???


  • Okay, I cleared my cookies and that seemed to help. But now Udemy is assigning random lessons as preview lessons. I keep turning them off, but they seem to keep turning them back on. Any reason for that? And, I'm having a REALLY hard time turning off the preview for my lesson one. Does that have to be a preview?

  • Bella
    Bella Posts: 3,694 traveler rank

    Hi Pamela, sorry that you're having a hard time with this. Have you tried following the instructions in this help article? Let me know if you're still stuck after this so we can troubleshoot this issue further.

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