Proper references and copyright


I am creating my first course and am hoping to learn from you the best practice when it comes to referencing other writers or content created by other individuals. Is there a proper format to use for this medium (APA? MLA? etc). Please advise.



  • A course isn't a research paper. If you are quoting someone else's idea, simply credit them verbally and/or in your graphic.

    "According to Professor Mary Smith of the University of Texas... " seems to work.

    However, be VERY careful about appropriate someone elses' IP. Even if you give them credit that doesn't relieve you from your duties to follow copyright laws. You can cite someone else's work, but you can't copy it.

  • Hey, thanks for this question & answer.

    So, just for absolute clarity: say I want to include a video from a content creator to enhance my point or elaborate on a well-known industry standard in my area, I can give my take on the topic and include, let's say, a youtube video from another content creator? (and give them credit!)

    Thank you in advance!


  • Bella
    Bella Posts: 3,694 traveler rank

    Hi @BertieBrosn124, that's a good question. If you think that the material that you are using might be infringing upon somebody else's idea or content, we would suggest not including it in your course. The easiest way to check whether it is ok for you to use somebody else's content in your course is to contact them directly and ask for their permission.

    Ultimately, Udemy cannot advise on any copyright issue and takes no responsibility for the material that you place on our platform. Remember that you retain the rights to all of the content that you place on Udemy and that we are simply the platform through which you deliver that material.

    I recommend reaching out to directly, as the team will be able to explain this in more detail.

    Bella Almeida

    Udemy Community

  • What do you mean by IP in this case?

  • That is "Intellectual Property"

  • Hi @AEC2021

    In situations like these, I always make a point to reach the content owner and seek a written permission. In most cases, I receive the permission as it increases the visibility of the content creator.

    In the past, as a response to my request, the content owner also recommended my course on his/her YouTube platform/blog (which was a really nice gesture). This practice mostly works when we deal with individual content creators.