Monday Giveaway - What made you decide to teach online?



  • We are a bit unique. I am not the Teacher for our little company, but help @JasonDion
    with the day to day operations with a focus on customer service. This all started by accident. Jason had been teaching in person at college at night and was about to change his day job to one that involved a lot of travel. He filmed his last in person class and put it on YouTube to help his students out. A friend suggested looking at Udemy, so we put it there and it easily out-performed YouTube the first month so we figured we would give it a go.

    This has turned out to be a huge passion for Jason, and a life changer for our family. We can now travel and do things on our time, when we want to do them, and still more than provide for our family and lifestyle.

  • @Bella
    Hi Bella . I filled the form but still waiting for the email regarding the T-shirt. The form said that

    Udemy T-Shirt Giveaway
    Please fill out the entry form below. You will receive an email 24-48 hours with details on how to receive the t-shirt.
    Please let me know if there is any problem.
  • Bella
    Bella Posts: 3,694 traveler rank

    Hi @Nizamuddin
    , we will be emailing all the winners today with the next steps, please let me know if you haven't heard back by the end of the day so I can assist you further.

  • I received the email. Thanks.

  • For months, maybe even years I have been trying to get my in person #CookingsCool classes launched‍. I wrote my own [cooking] textbook to support my students through the classes - it’s been tough though, sometimes demotivating and I almost gave up. But I wasn’t ready to give up on my dream to teach as many people as possible how to prepare basic fresh, healthy meals for themselves and their families.

    Like most global businesses, COVID-19 presented lots of uncertainty and complexity. And in the midst of it all, I was inspired and saw an opportunity to pivot and convert my dream of opening a brick-and-mortar cooking school into an online one, which now affords me the opportunity to help loads of people to learn how to cook.

    So glad I was able to launch my first course with Udemy in October 2021! Proud to say that now #ITeachWithUdemy

  • Bella
    Bella Posts: 3,694 traveler rank

    What a beautiful story @LeeKhoza, thanks for sharing and for choosing Udemy to help you share your knowledge with the world. Wishing you all the best!