Background Music in the Course or Silence?

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to know if it will be more of a distraction or will enhance the voice when background music is added throughout the course? Which will you prefer, background music with vocals or vocals only?


  • Definitely no background music unless it’s for the promo video.

  • I have yet to complete my first course, but as a course consumer, I can say that I won't take a course with background music. I find it distracts, interferes with comprehension, and adds nothing I find useful. I don't know why people use it with courses.

  • As a consumer, I have a short attention span and adding music doesn't help. I don't mind it used to indicate a transition to a new topic however.

  • vinod
    vinod Posts: 76 storyteller rank

    Promo video --> Music may add value,

    Lecture videos --> Music is a distraction

    In my humble opinion