1.5 year and 500$ revenue

Thought of quickly penning down my experience so far, started last with one course with 4$ as an earning for the first month, last month withdrew just over 500$ it took me more than a year to achieve this landmark, is this a big one? not yet may be. But it opened so many avenues for me, what it did to me is I guess more than it did to my students, my voice is super filtered out now and probably now at best stage for a pod cast or any other external events. I keep thinking about next set of content for my learner all the time, so far 4 course in past 1.5 years and always in dilemma whether to include new courses or keep bumping up existing now, but I guess time will tell that.
Super excited for this year Black Friday as previous year it got my first course included in UFB and I am hoping to have rest of them also in this black Friday.
Lastly if the community champions have any specific feedback for me by looking at the my profile I would be happy to take them on a positive note and apply them on my next set of content.
happy learning and teaching.
Hey @Shandas, thank you for sharing the milestones that you've achieved - congratulations! It's great that your course was included in the Udemy Business program and I'm so happy to hear that things are going well for you on Udemy.
Some of our Community Champions are available to receive any questions related to their experience or provide feedback on the threads below:
We also have a feedback thread if you'd like to ask other experienced instructors for help.
Wishing you the best of luck with your goals for Black Friday!
Bella Almeida
Udemy Community