Psychology nutrition

Hii Guys ! Myself Gargi . Going to make the learning interesting by researching and having daily tasks on different topics. Practically think on situation. This class is for college students and even for those who completed education can do this course . This course is going to help you understand about this subject . Iwant to start a income using this app as many people suggested it's a great platform for teaching as well as learning.
Here to give you knowledge about some interesting topics .
Hi @Gargii, welcome! Our community is a space for instructors to help other instructors, so there are no students here. If you're planning on creating a Udemy course, I recommend checking the following resources to get started:
- Marketplace Insights - research your topic's demand and competition
- Help Center - browse support articles on our knowledge base
- Teaching Center - find articles about teaching on Udemy – from course creation to marketing your course
- Studio U - community space dedicated to new instructors
- Teaching on Udemy: FAQ
All the best!
Bella Almeida
Udemy Community