Unable to submit course

Hello everyone. Can someone please help me?

I searched to see if anyone else had a similar problem, but couldn't find an answer, so I'm posting this.

I'm trying to submit my first Udemy course, but I get a message saying that Have content for all your lectures.

All the lectures have content, what am I missing?

All the lectures and materials are available on the preview page.

All the text is written in Japanese, but it is basically the same as the English Udemy page.

If anyone knows how to solve this, please let me know.


  • Hi @saoriviana We have a support article that includes different reasons for video upload issues here. Also, feel free to reach out instructorsupport@udemy.com and the team will be happy to troubleshoot further.

    Mery Mejia

    Udemy Community

  • Thanks for the advice @MeryMejia
    It seems that the file name I wrote in Japanese was garbled, and I couldn't submit it because it had underscores and other characters in it.

    After editing the file name, I was able to submit the file successfully.
    Thank you for your advice during the holiday season!