I'm Only 6+ Years Late!

I have an e-mail back from January 21st of 2015 from Lindsey Bonner from Udemy (yeah, all the back then) that reads: "Hi Max, Thanks for joining the Udemy Studio!". I thought it would be time now to actually do my part of joining the Udemy Studio.

I am from Sweden and I intended to start doing courses in the niche of Self-Improvement/-Help all the back in 2015. But as regular full-time work got in the way, it all got delayed. When I moved into a bigger apartment I really decided to get started but then the pandemic hit and everything that entailed.

As a New Year is here, I am now really serious as I do have a dedicated office room for filming and several courses written down with Lecture titles and bullet points and whatnot prepared for production and publishing.

I have a couple of questions though as I have not followed the Udemy Universe so much to know whether certain things are possible or not:

  1. Are you allowed to invite students to your Closed Facebook Group as part of the course? For example, a course where you would need to daily or weekly interact with the student(s) as part of benefiting from the course?
  2. If I remember correctly, You are allowed to promote your other courses in your "Bonus Lectures" in your current courses? Or has this changed somehow?
  3. I have talked with a few Instructors a few years ago who suggested that offering your first course for free is not ideal as it increases the odds of low ratings because it is free. Is this your experience as well as a more seasoned Instructor here on Udemy?
  4. Where can I read the rules of Co-Instructors (when two or more Instructors are part of the same course that is being sold)? Is it possible to set the revenue share in % so one Instructor receives 70% and another one receives 30%? I intend to have my published English courses translated to Spanish and Russian, for example ,where they would receive 70% because I have worked as a translator myself so I know the painstaking task at hand.

Those are the questions that I have as of now. I'll make sure to post new ones when I have them!

Happy New Year & Best regards,

Max "maxthemarketer" Karlstedt.


  • Leonor C.
    Leonor C. Posts: 1,093 Udemy rank

    Hello @MaxKarlstedt

    welcome back! It is always good to start the year with new goals! We are here to help!

    about your questions:

    1) yes, you can

    2) No, we have not change the bonus lecture rules. Same rules apply for promoting courses in bonus lecture

    3) I would suggest other instructors to post here their own personal experience for pricing

    4) here are some links to the co-instructor's adding, but you are correct in your line of thought, you can apply a percentage for each co-instructor you add.


    Kind regards!


    Udemy Moderator

  • I do not recommend wasting time on free courses. The students who come to Udemy are ready to spend money on education. The prices are affordable and the purchases are risk free due to 30 money back guarantee.

    I also don't recommend giving massive free coupons to people you don't know/trust. I haven't done it myself and have not seen any good instructors doing that.

    It's better to have 2 sales per day or week from engaged and committed students than a 1000 free students who don't ever touch your course.