Expected payment date has passed but didn't received payment

Hi my expected monthly payment date was 7th Jan 2022 but no payment has been received yet . My PayPal account is linked and Active . I sent email and also raised a support request about it but there is no response from support team till now . Help me with the situation . Ticket no. / Request no. Is #6886463 .
Check from tomorrow onwards because the 7th was Friday for which they made you the payment mandate but the accounting will do it on the first working day
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Hi, I am sure that the payment will be made. In my experience Udemy has always ensured the payment is made. Even though there can be a delay of a day or two from the expected day, in the end the payment is always made to the instructor. Just check again after sometime to see if the payment is made.
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Thanks RobertoSantoli For your reply , let's wait 1-2 days and see what happens .
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Thanks AlanRodrigues for your reply , it's already 2 days . Let's wait for 1-2 days more and see what happens.