Udemy's Instructors Learners Morality

Here are the next steps you should follow, since you asked:
1. Fill out and complete your instructor's profile. If you are going to sell courses on Udemy you need to make clear who you are and what your credentials or experience are that qualified you to teach those courses. Include your photo. Instructors are human beings and students what to see and develop a relationship with their instructor.
2. Change your name to your real name. My name is my name, period! You can google me and learn anything you want about me (more than you want). The same with most instructors who are successful here. This is not Reddit or Instagram or some social media forum where you hide behind some fake name. This is a forum of professional instructors. This is work, not play.
3. Drop that "Learners Morality" business. It sounds silly. I think you mean "Learner's" anyway. It sounds preachy and I don't think anyone here is interested in you preaching to them.
4. If you really want help from other instructors ask them to give you feedback on your course landing page (which isn't available now), your promo video and your intro lectures. Then improve them based on that feedback.
Those are the things you should do now... in my opinion.
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Thanks; what about: "morality course" Does it correctly sound normal?0
Udemy's instructor, morality course (Morality Course)0
Udemy's Morality Course! Udemy's morality course! (morality course)0
I want to get right subject: 'Udemy's Morality Course'0
There are three separate things that should not be confused. One is your name as an instructor (John Jones, or whatever it is). The second is the name of your course or courses. This might be a course on morality. But who is that for? Are you seriously making a course to teach instructors morality? I think most instructors would react that they do not need you to instruct them on morality. The third thing is the subject of a discussion thread in this forum. A discussion thread here could be "What Should I Name My Course?"For any of the above I would not use the form "Udemy's" because that implies it belongs to or comes from Udemy as a company, rather than from yourself. What is your course about and who is it for?
I hope this helps.