Just built my first course! Super excited

It's my first one, It's rough, It could be better, but it's publishedd!!!
I'm wondering how to I gather some students now?
I'm not finding my course when I search for 'Google Sites' on Udemy. It only comes up when I search the title 'Google Sites 2022'. Do you think this is due to having not got any reviews yet?
Hi @JackStewart104,
Search rankings are based on a number of factors, some of which include relevance (based on the keywords in the title/subtitle), the number of course reviews, and the quality of the reviews themselves. For more information on the rating metric, please click here.
In addition to the terms found in the course title and subtitle, the search tool also considers the topics and categories selected for the course. The filter which is used for the search also plays a key role.
As the course receives more positive ratings then its ranking will improve. Adding new terms to the course title or subtitle, which you believe students may search for, can also improve its searchability. For tips on how to improve your course's search results, check out this article.
I hope this helps provide some clarification regarding this. Let me know if you have any other questions!Bella Almeida
Udemy Community
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Thank you so much. This was what I needed